Making the Brand: Introducing the Sonday Blog!

Welcome to the Sonday Blog!
We’re so excited to have a space to grow our connections and community. This blog is intended to be fun, informative and inspiring for all our readers.
Sonday was conceived in 2019 out of my own frustration in trying to find maternity and nursing clothing that was contemporary & stylish, comfortable & accessible. I wanted to find clothes that made me feel like myself, looked great and could be worn after the baby arrived.
This blog was created as a space to talk style, interview experts and bring you the 4-1-1 on mama-hood. Real stories from real mamas, and so much more!
And we want to hear from you! Email us your questions, send us your comments, or tell us who you want to hear from.
Don’t forget to tell all your pals who are expecting or new moms, because sharing really is caring <3
Thanks for coming on this journey with us.
Katie, Founder